Saturday, August 13, 2011

My motivation.

My father 1964

One of my earliest childhood memories is then I was 2-3 years old and in the forest with my father.
The memory of trees that seemed to stretch all the way to the sky is strong. When I was older I followed him when he was hunting. Endless hours waiting in silence. Moving a bit and then waiting once more.
Never have I experienced something with such low level of action or engagement (99,9% just sitting still) and still the adrenalin and excitement. Everyone who ever been on a hunt know what I mean. It's hard to explain but it's a very strong feeling. One could argue you're against nature when on a hunt but it's quite the oposite. When engaging in the everyday life/death, prey/predator life you're on the same level as the nature.
Instead of just watch, being an spectator in the wood you play a role and are engaged.

I've hunted more or less everything that there is to hunt in Finland, I've been tracking bigfoots in Kentucky and been on numerous travels investigating and researching spottings of the unknown.

Not really a challenge to shot a croc?
It's the hunt that's the interesting part. The shot puts you on the same level as the beast but it's like a side effect, something that I don't really want. The biggest challenge is not to kill an elephant, an rhino or a shark. I would be one out of hundred, one out of thousands who shot a just about any beast on the planet. Name one wild beast that you're allowed to hunt and i say I can hunt it down in 3-4 days with the right equipment and guides. That's no sport.

What on the other hand is a sport is to hunt down the unknown. And the unknown is only unknown until we know. I want to make that difference. make the unknown known.